Sunday, July 12, 2009

UFC is in trouble.

Let me start off my saying I have not drank the hater aid that many sportscasters have been spewing over the past couple of days. This past weekend the UFC held their 100th event and I am not naive, it was huge. It was so huge that many are now predicting ultimate fighting is now bigger than boxing. I will admit the momentum is on the side of ultimate fighting, but let's not kid ourselves this is as good as it is going to get for the caged sport.

So why do I feel mixed martial arts has reached its peak when it comes to popularity. First off it is the cool new kid that is just now showing up to school. Intriguing? yes, but what happens once the intrigue wears thin? What happens when those who are jumping on the sport now because it is something they have never seen before tire? What happens when well reality hits? I will tell you what happens. This niche sport goes back to being what it is. That isn't all bad though. Dana White can still fund his hell of a life as the commissioner of a niche sport. The problem as I see it though, is that what I just pointed out to me is a best case scenario, and if White and others aren't careful they could be looking at a sport that can become much less than my previous predictions.

The problem is that the big guy has now won. Brock Lesner winning did way more damage to me than his post Mir fight mouth ever could have done. Yes the mouth made him and the sport look like something straight out of Vince McMahon's playbook. Lesner winning though made me wonder if the rules of the sport are so open and inclusive that the larger you are, the more of an advantage you're going to have. No one wants to see the biggest guy on the court always win.

Let's compare brawlers and wrestlers in UFC to pure boxers. In boxing weight is maybe the third or fourth most important thing for a fighter to possess. Just at the top of my head I can think about speed, reach, and strength. That isn't even getting into the defense one gains when holding and grabbing are not allowed. That is why boxing is known as the sweet science. It's the thinking man's fight with a paper rock scissors guess of what is being thrown and what to throw often occurring 12 rounds in a row. The UFC? Fights are often times much shorter with the longest fights just lasting 3 rounds. Those shorter matches means larger guys don't have to endure for the long haul, but can make sure to come right after the other fighter pushing the action. Entertaining? Yes, but in the long run I just don't see how it keeps its current popularity.

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